Introduction to the differences between AX8 and V8800 controllers


Delta's AX8 controller continues the design of the V8800 controller in its user interface, making it user-friendly for operators when setting pages for mold clamping, injection, feeding, ejector, and more. In this issue, we will introduce the differences between the AX8 controller and the V8800 controller in three areas: "Temperature Page," "Administrator Permissions," and "Operation Panel."

1. Temperature Page:
The interface of the AX8 is similar to the V8800, but there are some slight differences in programming. For example, on the V8800 controller, when the temperature is set to 100 degrees, the screw protection time starts calculating when the temperature reaches within a 30-degree range. 
However, on the AX8 controller, the screw protection time does not start counting when it first reaches within a 30-degree range but begins when it reaches within a 5-degree range. The method of displaying the screw protection countdown also differs between the two controllers. The V8800 controller uses a countdown from the set seconds, while the AX8 controller counts up from zero to the set seconds. The factory default value for screw protection time is 900 seconds on both the V8800 and AX8 controllers. If modification is needed, please notify the Victor Taichung maintenance engineer and provide the reason for the change. The engineer will also explain the risks to the barrel assembly if the time is shortened.

2. Administrator Permissions:
On the V8800 controller, only one set of molding parameter modification permissions can be configured for the operator, with the password set by the maintenance engineer. The AX8 controller allows multiple sets of molding parameter modification permissions. The machine is shipped with permission level four, which is automatically enabled each time the machine is powered on. To change the password, the operator must go through the maintenance engineer to set it to a personal password. If the password is forgotten, only the maintenance engineer can reset it. Permission level four can only modify or set passwords for lower permission levels and select the permission to modify parameters on a particular page.

3. Operation Panel:
AThe AX8 controller's operation screen has a small keyboard icon at the bottom right corner. Clicking it will display a small window with the same functionality as the physical buttons, allowing operators to control the machine even if the physical buttons are damaged. The buttons on the AX8 controller's operation panel differ in style from those on the V8800 controller.
Visually, the LED indicator lights on the buttons also differ between the two controllers. On the V8800 controller, the motor and electric heating start buttons are installed separately from the operation panel's button board, whereas, on the AX8 controller, the motor and electric heating start buttons are integrated with the operation panel's button board, making it more convenient for operators to use.